Living in Masculine & Feminine Union

In Life, Love & Sexual Intimacy
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We are made for great connection.

With our partners, friends, children, colleagues, students, readers… everyone... Connection with ourselves. Connection with the world around us.

The key to truly feeling the “glue” that creates the connection is that we must take either the masculine or feminine role in all interactions. This has nothing to do with gender (most of the time) or orientation. It is simply how we all interact with each other through the magnetism of our cells, minds and spirits.

The first thing to do is to redefine masculine and feminine so that we truly join together, play, dance, and make each other stronger, more confident and truly happy.

This course is for individuals because this balance, connection and play actually begins within. Our connection with others will be a perfect reflection of the connection we have within ourselves… which is wonderful… because this is the one place in the world where we have all the power for learning and expansion.

If you are seeking true connection with others, ease in communicating, deeper bonds with your children, more intimacy in sexual relationships, and the desire to really feel happy, balanced, and with real meaning in life, then I think you would love this course.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - About the Course

The masculine and feminine do not exist in isolation.
They play together,
building upon each other,
most powerful when they polarize,
uniting in the bliss of oneness
and new creation.”
Katrina Bos

Redefining the Masculine & Feminine

These are two of the videos from Module I all about the joys of experiencing polarity in life and redefining what the masculine & feminine actually are.

Please note that the masculine and feminine are likely not what you think. The old stereotypical ideas of masculine and feminine have nothing to do with union. These exist in separation and power struggles. We are bringing the masculine and feminine back into their true meanings – where they are meant to connect in ease, love and truly build each other. This has nothing to do with gender, orientation or sex. It is just the yin/yang, and positive/negative magnetic poles that create all matter and movement in the universe.

When we can apply this to our personal interactions and inner worlds, amazing things can happen.



Redefining the

Masculine & Feminine


Redefining the Masculine & Feminine

These are two of the videos from Module I all about the joys of experiencing polarity in life and redefining what the masculine & feminine actually are.

Please note that the masculine and feminine are likely not what you think. The old “sexist” ideas of masculine and feminine have nothing to do with union. They actually exist in separation and power struggles. We are bringing the masculine and feminine back into their true meanings – where they are meant to connect in ease, love and truly build each other. This has nothing to do with gender, orientation or sex. It is just the yin/yang, and positive/negative magnetic poles that create all matter and movement in the universe.

When we can apply this to our personal interactions and inner worlds, absolutely amazing things can happen.




Redefining the

Masculine & Feminine


What You Will Learn

Module I: A New Foundation for Union

“The masculine and feminine do not exist in isolation. They play together, building upon each other, most powerful when they polarize, uniting in the bliss of oneness and new creation.” Katrina Bos

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - New Foundation for Union

In this session, we will explore:

  • Redefining the masculine & feminine for union
  • Moving from separation to genuine connection
  • Singularity, Duality & magnetism the that attracts us
  • Balancing individual wholeness & opening in union

Module II: Giving & Receiving

Giving strengthens us in strange ways. It asks us to connect deeply with another to know what they desire. Receiving can be equally as challenging – to relax and know that we deserve to be loved and given to. Both polarities expand, broaden, and heal us in subtle ways that strengthen us and bring us the confidence and sense of inner peace that we have been seeking all along.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Giving & Receiving

In this module, we will explore:

  • The masculine art of giving (all genders)
  • Allowing ourselves to receive (all genders)
  • The magic of true communication in polarity
  • The connection of performer and audience
  • Intuitive teaching and speaking

Module III: Inspiration & Manifestation

We love taking action based on an idea that we know is right. We know because we trust our inner wisdom. This allows us to put all of our passion and strength into the action because we don’t question whether it is right or wrong. We know it’s right.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Inspiration & Manifestation

In this module, we will explore:

  • Our inner world that listens
  • The artist & their creation
  • Inner connection leading to meaning in life
  • Living in your truth
  • Speaking intuitively

Module IV: Structure & Chaos

Finding the inner balance between structure and chaos gives us the courage to dig deep into the “chaotic” unknown within and find the gems that we want to explore ourselves and share with the world.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Structure & Chaos

In this module, we will explore:

  • Inner stillness to balance a chaotic world
  • The strength to embrace our inner chaos and mystery
  • Deep connection with others in difficult times
  • Honouring our emotional truths
  • Masculine “holding space” in silence

Module V: Protector & Vulnerable

The protector first acts within. The stronger it is, the more vulnerable we can be with ourselves. The more vulnerable we can be with ourselves, the more open we can be with others. When everyone is open and feels safe, true union can happen.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Protector & Vulnerable

You will explore:

  • The protector and the vulnerable within
  • Parent/child dynamics leading to self-confidence
  • Having the confidence of Gandhi
  • Developing inner resilience
  • Full surrender in intimacy

Module VI: The Benevolent Leader

Oh to watch a beautiful couple dancing. The feeling of oneness. Gliding around the floor unaware of anyone around them. Two bodies truly becoming one. 

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - The Benevolent Leader

In this module, we will explore:

  • How do we become a good leader?
  • The challenges in surrendering to follow
  • How both roles are empowering
  • Finding union in couples dancing
  • Finding the courage to lead and follow

Module VII: The Passion of Pursuit

The key to a dynamic, romantic relationship is enjoying the excitement of pursuit. To keep the fires of passion burning we must keep the magnetism alive. 

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Passion of Pursuit

In this module, you will learn about:

  • How pursuit empowers the masculine
  • How being pursued expands the feminine
  • Being whole in relationship
  • Growing in love every day

Module VIII: The Bliss of Sexual Union

When the masculine energizes the feminine, a magnetism builds drawing the two bodies together in a way that makes us lose ourselves completely. Soon the bodies disappear. We join together rolling through time and space… having the adventure that we have always known is possible.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Bliss of Sexual Union

In this module, you will learn about:

  • Full merging in intimacy
  • Surrender (to everything) in intimacy
  • Being a masculine or feminine lover
  • Uncivilized lovemaking
  • Sharing a multi-orgasmic state

Module IX: A Deeper Look in the Masculine & Feminine

Being able to completely polarize strengthens our spirit in deep ways. It heals the balance within each of us and it allows us to connect deeper with everyone we meet.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - A Deeper Look into the Masculine & Feminine

In this module, we will explore:

  • Strengthening our masculine energy
  • Strengthening our feminine energy
  • Finding self-love
  • Trusting the masculine & feminine – within and with others

Module X: Full Balance Within

All of our experiences begin with our own inner balance. The stronger our own masculine and feminine are and the more we feel the bliss of union within, the easier it is to polarize and feel bliss with others.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Full Balance Within

In this module, we will explore:

  • Becoming fully human
  • Disappearing within union
  • Physical and spiritual merging
  • Experiencing this union in a brand new world

What You Will Receive

Ten Teaching Modules

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Ten Teaching Modules

Katrina teaches between two and four videos for each module. Most of the videos are “conversational” teaching, learning in the same way that we would if we were together – either one-on-one, or in a group workshop. We explore new philosophies, struggles of the feminine, and exercises to do at home and in your day-to-day life.

The beautiful thing about video classes is that it’s like having a conversation together (albeit kinda one-sided)… There is a real spirit and understanding that can be conveyed through listening to and seeing someone speak… It’s one of the wonderful benefits of our international online world!!

Integrative Personal Study

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Integrative Personal Study

Each module has a short homework questionnaire to complete after you watch the class. This helps to integrate the lesson into your life. It helps to guide you in your own personal journey.

Study at Your Own Pace

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Study at Your Own Pace

You can do this course at whatever pace works for you. Sometimes it’s nice to do one module per week – like a course you’ve signed up for in person (helps us stay committed and not let the rest of our life creep in). Or maybe you would like to do it at a slower pace, letting certain lessons sink in more… plus, sometimes life just has other plans for us. 

How to Get Started

One-Time Payment

$297 CAD

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3 Monthly Payments

$108 CAD

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Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Gift this Course

Is there someone you know who would love this course?

You can give this course as a gift! 

When you click below, you will be able to:

  • Give the gift immediately or on a special day in the future
  • Attach a personalized note to the gift!
Send this course as a gift to someone special

Two Recordings about the Masculine & Feminine

These are two live classes from Insight Timer about the Masculine & Feminine - in relationship & within.

Masculine & Feminine in Relationship

Masculine & Feminine

These are two live classes from Insight Timer about the Masculine & Feminine - in relationship & within.

Masculine & Feminine in Relationship

Masculine & Feminine

What Others Are Saying

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Student Bo Dumont

Katrina is an amazing, beautiful teacher who understands connection, and intimacy in a way that challenges many of the boundaries, and preconceived notions about what those things mean in our modern world. She teaches us how to become more intimate, and connected in each moment to our experience, and the people who touch our lives. I feel like Katrina’s approach to intimacy, and connection is one that would benefit, and resonate for anyone. Hearing Katrina talk about intimacy the first time was like having so many of the things I had glimpsed in my life, and intuitively understood finally being affirmed, and put into words by another person.

Bo Dumont | Windsor, CA

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Student Aarti Mathur

Living and working in a metropolitan city, I am one of many who desperately try to balance work, life, family obligations, self-care and meaningful relationships. Through Katrina, I’ve learned to see small daily activities and tasks as a play on energies and now I can often allow myself to just sit and savour moments of my day. I truly appreciate how Katrina synthesizes her life experiences to serve as a guide or simply another option to many folks!

Aarti Mathur | Toronto, Canada

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Student Coco Oya Cienna Ray

I have known Katrina to be a skilful guide with a deeply compassionate heart; a guide who uses her inner knowing to tune into the deeper wisdom of the feminine mysteries. This affords her a canny ability to take these abstract concepts and ground them into everyday language.  As we redefine what it is to be a woman at this time, her ability to share this knowing in new and modern ways is not only refreshing but so needed.  

She is not only a great teacher but a true friend. And through her shared experience and presence one learns to become a friend to oneself. Her teachings help restore your relationship to the feminine principles as you move through the many layers of your own mistrust and reconnect to your truth. I am deeply grateful that our paths have crossed.

Coco Oya Cienna-Rey | Leeds, England, UK.

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - Student Robyn Vogel

Take a deep breath in Katrina Bos’ presence and feel your heart open and expand immediately. Katrina’s Tantric nature and her own commitment to spiritual awakening are the perfect confluence of skills for bringing her students to the next step on their paths. I highly recommend Katrina Bos as your mentor and guide to deep, authentic, sacred intimacy.

Robyn Vogel, Tantric Intimacy & Sex Coach | Boston, USA

About Katrina Bos

Living in Masculine & Feminine Union Online Course with Katrina Bos - About Katrina

“The merging of the masculine and feminine has been a passion of mine ever since I first began studying and experiencing what happens in tantric intimacy. To feel true love and connection fills us in ways that we deeply know is possible. To have friendships that are true confidantes. To have close bonds with our children filled with trust and fun. This is what we are made for. 

I am also very excited to share how this changes our sexual experience. It is in the polarity that we heal the deepest parts of ourselves. We expand in pleasure that we can only imagine… and once we experience it, there is no going back.

So, I am very excited to share this with everyone!” Katrina

Katrina offers trainings around the world in spiritual growth, relationships, and intimacy. She is the author of books including "Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine", "Tantric Intimacy", and "What If You Could Skip the Cancer?".

All of her books can be purchased through all online booksellers in paperback, ebook, and Audiobook (read by the author)!

How to Get Started

One-Time Payment

$297 CAD

Sign Up Now

3 Monthly Payments

$108 CAD

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