The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy

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Welcome to the Journey of the Divine Feminine

An Online Course for Women


Deep down, we have always known that true magic was possible in romance. It isn't just a Hollywood fantasy. It's like we have ancient knowledge of what happens when the masculine and feminine meet - ecstasy, bliss, and long-lasting happiness within us.

However, for thousands of years, we have lived in a world of a patriarchal paradigm where all things "masculine" oppress and use all things "feminine". The men controlled the women and the women served the men. Today, we feel this in our relationships where there is no spark, no true masculine and feminine energies, anxiety within us, distance in our relationships, and everyone is disempowered and doesn't know how to fix it.

The shift back to wholeness begins with bringing the Divine Feminine back - because she is the foundation of all relationships - especially romance. This is where we experience the magic of what it is to be human. We remember our inherent power and how we channel that Divine Energy within us and within intimate relationships.

This is where incredible magic and ecstasy is possible.

"Feminism isn't about making women stronger. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength." 


The Power of the Divine Feminine In Intimacy Course


This course has 8 modules of pre-recorded lessons, supplementary books, videos, and articles, and weekly homework that you can do on your own or hand in to Katrina to ask any questions you may have.

You will receive one module per week for 8 weeks. This allows us to integrate the teachings, do the homework, and take time to watch the supplementary material or re-read certain sections of Katrina's book to fully integrate before moving on. Plus, you'll get a reminder each week when the new module arrives keeping us on track.

Live Options

The following are not included in the course because not everyone will want to take part in them. But they are exclusively for Divine Feminine Course Participants. 

Personal 1-1 Consultations: If you feel like you would like to chat about how the content applies to your personal situation, you will have a special link where you can schedule a private session with Katrina. These are at a special price just for the participants of this course.

Divine Feminine Gatherings: In the fall and winter, we will be hosting 2-hour gatherings where we can focus on specific topics. These classes are only open to participants of this course. They are our chance to have honest conversations about how these topics apply to real-life situations!

  • November 2, 2024: Module I: Journey to the Feminine
  • November 30, 2024: Module II: Inner Strength & Balance
  • January 4, 2025: Module III: Healthy Relationships
  • February 1, 2025: Module IV: Healing Our Yoni
  • March 8, 2025: Module V: Receiving - Becoming the Field of Pleasure
  • April 5, 2025: Module VI: Wildness & Chaos - Opening Heaven's Gate
  • May 10, 2025: Module VII: The Bliss of Pure Surrender
  • June 14, 2025: Module VIII: The Journey of Continual Expansion
  • All classes are Saturdays at 12:00 EST
  • You can join the gatherings at any time of the year

Our Curriculum

Module I: Journey to the Divine Feminine

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Goddess

What does it mean to be feminine? What is the true role of the Divine Feminine in romantic relationships? Why does embodying this deep power lead to deeply fulfilling relationships?

We look at the difference between gender stereotypes and true masculine & feminine energies. We see the effects of the patriarchal paradigm on both partners and are introduced to the true power of the feminine to heal our partners and ourselves.

Module II: Inner Strength & Balance

You Are Not Hysterical. For centuries, women have been treated like they were emotional, full of nonsense, and not worth listening to... there was even a diagnosis of "Hysteria" for women with emotional issues and sexual desires. Unfortunately, we have internalized this truth in big and subtle ways. 

This module is about deeply honouring the truth of Shakti, cultivating a Sober Mind, listening to the Truth of the Feminine and more. We will look at how dark nights of the soul connect us with the truth of Shakti and how to cultivate a powerful inner masculine that supports us in our truth and revelations.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Inner Strength

Module III: Healthy Relationships

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Healthy Relationships

This is the module where we start doing the real work of healing how we interact in relationships. As much as we look to men for how they can act in "patriarchal" ways of entitlement, mansplaining, or disconnection, women have the perfect complimentary patterns that keep these habits in place. This is where we look directly at how to break these patterns - within us and in our partners!

We look at how to find a partner, creating a new foundation for a healthy and cosmic experience, how to not be your partner's mother, how not to fix them, and how to be loving while making choices based in your Truth.

Module IV: Healing Our Yoni

Our Yoni is actually a magical being. In many ways, she is the physical representation of all things feminine - including the oppression and lack of understanding from the patriarchal ideals. She has been used in ways she wasn't designed for creating trauma and lack of sensation. Her magic has also been lost due to the fear of her true power. But this is all changing now.

In this module, we dive into how to heal her from the core of who she is. We learn about her true and otherworldly design. We learn about how to embrace the inner polarities to not only heal her, but to awaken her true magic transforming her from simple cylinder for sex to the "Octo-pussy" that brings pleasure beyond anything we can imagine or describe.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Yoni

Module V: Receiving - Becoming the Field of Pleasure

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Field of Pleasure

All pleasure happens on the Feminine terrain. In regular, disconnected intimacy, the two partners stay separate and have their own pleasure in their own bodies (their own shakti). However, when we are joining through the magnetism of the masculine and feminine, we experience what the other experiences. The more we polarize, the more energy flows in the connection. The feminine becomes the divine recipient of the masculine's divine energy... and this is where the magic happens!

In this module, we learn how to fully receive through our bodies, mind, and yoni. We will learn about how to give gentle and honest feedback to deepen the connection and how to help that Shiva energy to flow through both of you creating wonderful and shared ecstasy.

Module VI: Wildness & Chaos - Opening Heaven's Gate

When we tap into our innate wildness, we are accessing the infinite power of Shakti. When we allow our chaos to flow, this is the energy that transports us to all of the places that we haven't even imagined yet.

In this module, we explore the ways that we may be suppressing our own chaos in life and definitely in intimacy. We will learn how to flow with and trust our wildness and also how to help our partner not only withstand this chaos (especially if they are inside and trying to hold on) but how to ride it, amplifying it to fully electrify the experience of the joined partners.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Heaven's Gate

Module VII: The Bliss of Pure Surrender

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Surrender

The experience of fully surrendering accesses a treasure-trove of pleasure within us. As we live our day-to-day lives, we must be fully balanced allowing our masculine to be strong, protective, and creative. This creates a kind of homeostasis that allows us to go to work, feed the kids, and do the things we need to do.

However, when fully polarized with a strong and safe masculine, we can drop that masculine side and dive deeper into that feminine unknown. To do this, we fully surrender - more and more and more until our nervous system is vibrating with the pulse of the cosmos. This is the indescribable bliss of pure surrender.

Module VIII: The Journey of Continual Expansion

In a world where most people feel stuck and unsure as to which way to go in life, playing in the true feminine in relationships gives us a clear jumping point for so many possibilities in life! When we heal our deep feminine in relationship, we also heal it everywhere else. We see the subtle control factors in the workplace, in our families, and in society at large... and because we have healed and integrated this, we can navigate this world so much easier - especially as it goes through its own transition to something so much more beautiful!

These new possibilities exist within our relationship as well. Once we connect in this clear way, infinite vistas of experiences open up creating the kinds of relationship that deep down we always knew were possible.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Expansion

"A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself." 


Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine

In 2023, Katrina Bos released her groundbreaking book redefining the masculine and feminine so that we can start to truly connect with each other in this very new and wonderful consciousness.

This course takes the teachings from this book and specifically applies them to how the feminine partner expands, grows, heals, and feels total ecstasy in intimate relationships.

Of course, this is no small thing considering the curious patriarchy we've all been living within for millennia. This means that in order to truly embrace our healthy feminine in relationship, we must also understand and recognize the healthy masculine in our partners (and within). 

Although this course can be valuable for people of all genders, it specifically looks at the experience of women within heterosexual relationships because this is where the big, generational patterns have been passed down and continue to live within us - especially in challenging times.

Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine book by Katrina Bos

This course brings us through the journey of understanding healthy feminine - what it is and what it isn't. We explore exactly what kind of partner you have to have in order to even begin exploring the feminine. We then move into avoiding the traps that women have suffered in for centuries - being told they were hysterical when they spoke the truth, being cast aside when they shared wisdom, being told that their version of reality somehow didn't matter.

Of course, these are the beliefs that we must heal inside ourselves either in our out of an intimate relationship.

What is Included

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Pre-Recorded Classes

Pre-Recorded Lessons

Each module has between 3 to 6 pre-recorded videos taught by Katrina Bos. Most videos have bonus links to other live video recordings, and books to deepen your study.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Integrative Homework

Integrative Homework

Each module has a set of questions to help you take the teachings into your personal life and experience. It's wonderful to have a special journal to keep your realizations and shifts in from the videos and homework.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Supplementary Study

Supplementary Study Materials

The masculine, feminine, and tantra are huge topics that we can explore in many aspects of our lives. Katrina has many videos of live classes where she talks about topics that definitely go deeper into many of these topics.

Every video within each module will have supplementary videos, articles and books that will explain and expand all of these topics.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Consultations

Divine Feminine 1-1 Consultations

These are specially-priced private consultations with Katrina. They are not included in the price because not everyone may desire them. But if you are on the journey and want to go deeper, these are specifically for us to be able to dive more deeply into your personal experiences and journey.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Feminine Gatherings

Feminine Gatherings

There is something magical about gathering women together and exploring our experiences, our questions, and what we are learning.

These Zoom gatherings are also not included in the core course because not everyone can make it to all of them and many people may just want to study on their own in their own time. Keeping these classes separate allows us to keep the price just for the course and any further masterclasses will be for those who would like to, and can, attend.

These happen once a month and are exclusive to the participants of this course.

“What’s the greatest lesson a woman should learn? That since day one, she’s already had everything she needs within herself. It’s the world that convinced her she did not.” 



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Please note that this course is for women who want to be in the feminine.

If you are a man who would like to explore the masculine & feminine, I would highly recommend my course "Living in Masculine & Feminine Union".

Please check out the "Frequently Asked Questions" below for more information about gender and this course.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - Gift this Course

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You can give this course as a gift! When you click below, you will be able to:

  • Give the gift immediately or on a special day in the future
  • Attach a personalized note to the gift!
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"She is water. Powerful enough to drown you, soft enough to cleanse you, deep enough to save you." 


About Katrina Bos

Katrina Bos is an author, mystic, mother, lover, and passionate teacher of tantra, masculine & feminine, and all things that bring us closer together. She has written many books including "Tantric Intimacy: Discover the Magic of True Connection", "What If You Could Skip the Cancer?", "You Don't Have to Eat the Eyeballs", and "Divine Union of the Masculine & Feminine".

Her passion for the divine feminine comes, on the one hand, from her own ecstatic experiences that she knows are possible within all women and, on the other hand, her own challenging experiences of being a woman in a man's world. 

Katrina shares her teachings through stories, analogies, and real-life applications.

The Power of the Divine Feminine in Intimacy Online Course with Katrina Bos - About Katrina

Frequently Asked Questions

"A woman's heart, the softest place on earth." 



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"She is both, hellfire and holy water. And the flavor you taste depends on how you treat her."