Breakthrough Sessions


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Let's get to the bottom of what is keeping you stuck and help you to move through and beyond it.

A breakthrough session is a chance to sit together where we aren't watching the clock. We can relax and dive deeply into whatever is going on in your life right now.

Step 1: Your Energy Grid

We will start with looking at your internal blueprint. These grids help us to see you from a different angle than the world sees you. It helps us to verify things you've always felt but struggled to express. It's a wonderful foundation for our time together

Click HERE to find out more
Energy grid reading with Katrina Bos

Step 2: Your Infinite Self

From here, we will go wherever we are led. The key is that we have a purpose. We are seeking the Truth. We are looking for whatever is in the way of your True Path. We will join our intuition together... and if you struggle to connect with your intuition, then this is what we will practice as well.

Releasing Time

We will be letting go of the 1-hour time constraint and allowing ourselves to go where we need to without watching the clock. We may only need an hour or two. The key is that we will be able to relax and relax attachment to the clock so that we can go where we need to go... so that you can find the new foundation you are seeking.

Breakthrough session with Katrina Bos, Intuitive online counselling session

To Schedule Your Session

Your breakthrough session can be over Zoom or in person.

Cost: $300 CAD

Book Your Breakthrough Session

What Others Are Saying

Breakthrough Sessions, Intuitive counselling with Katrina Bos

"I booked a Breakthrough Session with Katrina because I had a very specific question. The question was so clear to me and I wanted to clarify it for myself. I was glad that Katrina offered the Breakthrough Session, because that's exactly how it felt. I wanted to break through this question. And we all know that you can't go into depth when time is ticking. This session gave me the opportunity to relax while I took one step after the other with Katrina and looked at the most diverse facets and aspects until I found an answer to my question. It's been a while since I had the session with Katrina, but the question is gone. It's resolved and gone. If a new question came up, I would definitely book another breakthrough session with Katrina." S.G. Switzerland

"My breakthrough session was perfectly timed for me. I felt like I needed to dig into what were the reoccurring events and relationship issues in my life. Katrina provided a very safe yet honest place to start and travel. Her non-judgmental way, and intuitive view presented a gentle and purposeful trickle of conversation that quickly opened to a free flow of awareness. I was able to verbalize things I knew but didn’t want to admit. Things that I felt I shouldn’t feel. In revealing my experiences, I could easily see how these reactions were repeating over and over throughout my life. She helped me make a plan and gave myself permission to put those old ideas and fears to rest and open myself as I really am and want to be today." K.M. USA

"I have found since our discussion I can identify old patterns creeping into my present before they take charge. I find myself stopping old thinking and reacting in a softer yet stronger manner to myself and others."

"This session was worth every penny! It was much more productive than any other therapy I have attended. It wasn’t a “me venting”. It was a true back-and-forth question-and-answer with gentle kindness and bold honesty, and it ended with a working plan. I would highly recommend this for anyone really working on themselves and is ready to face the deeper bigger interior and implement real change. This was the magical experience I was hoping for."