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Chakra 3.0 Series: Healing the Fourth Chakra
How can we feel love from the world around us... when this has not been our experience so far? What does it mean to receive love? How do we give love? What does this have to do with relationships? Or is it much...
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Chakra 3.0 Series: Healing the Third Chakra
What can we do to figure out why we are here? How do we sort out the ideas that we've internalized from others and understand our personal journey? Let's explore how to build our 3rd chakras from our perfection within...
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Chakra 3.0 Series: Healing the Second Chakra
How can we feel the flow in our relationships after many difficult experiences with others? How can we truly feel our emotions - letting them talk to us and guide us in our lives? Let's explore how to heal this...
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Chakra 3.0 Series: Healing the First Chakra
What practical things can we do to heal our 1st chakra? How can we feel the abundance that is around us? How can we heal from our childhood traumas? How can we feel at ease here on Earth and like we truly belong?
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Ishvara Pranidhana, Communion With Our Highest Self
Let's explore the yogic niyama: ISHVARA PRANIDHANA. "Devotion to a Higher Power". Imagine full communion with your highest Self, love, and humanity. This is the foundation of all the limbs of yoga. Let's explore how...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Svadyaya, Being a Student of Life
Let's explore the yogic niyama: SVADYAYA. "Self-study". Oh how deep the Self is. To explore our true Selves. To read scriptures that bring us to our Truths. To be constantly expanding our perspectives. Let's explore...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Tapas, Living With Inner Fire & Passion
Let's explore the yogic niyama: TAPAS. "Fiery Discipline". Imagine engaging the passion of diving into our goals. Imagine using the fiery power inside to burn away all that no longer belongs. Let's explore how to...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Santosha, Living in Inner Peace & Contentment
Let's explore the yogic niyama: SANTOSHA. "Contentment". What does inner peace feel like? When do you experience it? How can we live with this all of the time regardless of our circumstances? Let's explore how to...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Saucha, Walking a Clear Path
Let's explore the yogic niyama: SAUCHA. "Purity & Clearness". Imagine filling your alchemical cauldron only with that which is part of your journey - nothing else. Just the ingredients that nourish you and expand...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Aparigraha, Releasing & Living in Flow
Let's explore the yogic yama: APARIGRAHA. "Non-grasping". We live in a state of constant change. There is a cycle of life that allows renewal and new growth at all times. What happens when we can embrace this flow and...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Brahmacharya, Walking in Our Highest Self
Let's explore the yogic yama: BRAHMACHARYA. "To walk in the path of Brahma". Imagine listening within and choosing your most expansive path. What would this feel like? To live the wisdom you deeply know is true. Let's...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Satya, Staying on the Path Through Truth
Let's explore the yogic yama: SATYA. Our truth is who we are. It defines our path and mission. This yogic restraint asks us to be diligent on this path. To release the white lies of comfort. To be 100% honest with...
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