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The Yogic Path in the Light: Asteya, Living in Simple Abundance
Let's explore the yogic yama: ASTEYA. Asteya means "non-stealing". Imagine only taking what we need for our journey? Carrying and consuming only what is necessary. Think of the ripple effects of simplicity, ease, and...
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The Yogic Path in the Light: Ahimsa, Choosing the Peaceful Path
Let's explore the yogic yama: AHIMSA. What is it like to embrace non-violence towards ourselves and others? Can we catch that inner voice of criticism before it gets too far? Imagine living in harmony with others and...
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Chakra 2.0 Series: Seventh Chakra in the Light
The 7th chakra, our gateway to the higher dimensions, the source of divine energy that we can bring into all of our chakra centres. Full access brings divinity into our physical experiences. Let's explore the feelings...
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Chakra 2.0 Series: Sixth Chakra in the Light
The seat of intuition. True inspiration. Our gateway to the 7th. Our divine guidance. Let's explore how to fully engage with this clear-seeing aspect of our lives. Let's explore how to hear and trust it completely......
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Chakra 2.0 Series: Fifth Chakra in the Light
Let's explore all the aspects of the Vishuddhi chakra and our ability to share our soul in a true way. This chakra is all about how we receive guidance for ourselves and for the world. It invites us to share all of...
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Chakra 2.0 Series: Fourth Chakra in the Light
Anahat - Unstruck chord, immaculate, pure. Let's explore the divine love that is within each one of us. How can we access this? How do we release the challenges we have had? Let's explore the divine energy of our...
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Chakra 2.0 Series: Third Chakra in the Light
Let's explore the magical 3rd chakra - filled with ideas, thoughts, and philosophies of the world around us! What does this feel like in flow? How can we harness this power center? Let's explore together!
If you would...
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Chakra 2.0 Series: Second Chakra in the Light
This is the second of a series where we will explore the chakras in their truest sense. We often know the chakras through the dysfunction in our bodies and minds. But our chakras are actually perfect. Let's look at...
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Chakra 2.0 Series: First Chakra in the Light
This is the first of a series where we will explore the chakras in their truest sense. We often know the chakras through the dysfunction in our bodies and minds but our chakras are actually perfect. Let's look at how...
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