What If You Could Skip the Cancer?

How would you really love to live your life? What if you could listen to that little voice inside that knows what you truly desire? What if you could trust that little voice above all things?
For many of us, it takes a huge crisis like a diagnosis for us to come to a full stop and really look at our lives.
Please join Katrina for the story of her full-stop, the meetings with her first spiritual teacher, her journey from her head to her heart, and her miraculous recovery.
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What Others Are Saying
This book spoke to me on so many levels. In my clinical work with women it is becoming abundantly obvious to me that the majority of chronic illnesses are messages (sadly rarely heard) calling us forth to grow as people – examine the unexamined, and move into areas of emotional blockage. This takes great courage unless you have faith that you are being held and supported throughout the process. Your book helped me to finally get comfortable in my faith (a place of discomfort for me as a long-time atheist and then agnostic) and in so doing to better serve my clients. Energetic messages from my client’s wombs are jumping out at me now and pointing me towards the best way to support their healing process. Unlike many women I have almost always managed to keep myself at the top of the “list” – but placing God/Spirit/Universal Energy on top of that with confidence has been a huge and important shift for me. Thank you for writing this book. I hope women and men everywhere will read it. I am hopeful that we are on fertile ground for messages such as yours to be heard and received, and is so doing, to radically shift our approach to health and healing.
Amy Sedgwick O.T. Reg
"This self-help book will definitely come in handy for many women who need to get in touch with truly feeling free to live. There are several sections in the book that some Christians might think of as New Age-y. If it is, it’s New Age Lite, and those same passages could easily have been found in a Christian anti-cancer book.
What If You Could Skip the Cancer? is also good for those women who fear the disease. It’s another weapon that helps to arm the reader against the cancer phobia rampant in our society. The book probably helps; it definitely won’t hurt, and it will cause many women to re-examine their lives - and perhaps believe a bit more that the miraculous is always around us and often in our own hands. It’s an easy read that packs a lot in a little package."
‘What if You Could Skip the Cancer’ is very worth reading. Katrina told her story without creating a fanciful narrative, but rather relayed everything that happened to her in a natural, compelling way. This book makes you look at how YOU look at life, and how it can be changed almost overnight. Personally, it deeply influenced my take on my own existence. Then there’s cancer itself. Keeping Katrina’s experience in mind it questions how we view cancer in general as a totally medical condition, but maybe there’s more to it than that. I think everyone should read this book, whether cancer has made an appearance in your life or not-it might change how you look at and live your life.
Connie Herlufsen
"Katrina Bos’ What If You Could Skip the Cancer? is a must-read for women who consider themselves to be chronic people-pleasers and who don’t take the time to care of their own health. Bos’ believe that women have to re-prioritize their lives so that they can put themselves towards the top of their priority list every day."
"Just a big THANK YOU for writing the book and "kudos" to you for your rare, raw honesty,
that is going to transform sooooo many women and men really. I picked up your book last
weekend at the Benn Miller Inn where my husband and I stayed. I started to read it on the drive
home Sunday and hated to put it down. Just finished it today...on my 49th birthday.
I am fortunate enough in that I am healthy and never had cancer. Now, seriously thanks
to you maybe I never will. Your book has given me the confidence I need to follow my passion
and squash out the self doubt when it appears, which would normally stop me for pursuing what
brings me joy and happiness which is practising my gift as a Energy Healer. I have been
preparing for two years to put into practise my gift as a Crystal Energy Healer. Just recently we
started a small renovation in our home to create a wellness room where I can practise as Crystal
Energy Healer.
I am telling everyone I know that your book is a MUST read. I wish you continued
success on your souls journey."
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