Podcasts & Live Class Recordings
These recordings will take you to the Insight Timer website where I teach live classes most days, have meditations and many more talks like this.
It is totally free to join in. See you there!
"I'm Not Good Enough": Releasing the Spells We are Under
There are mantras repeating in our minds that act like spells. Because they are repeated so often, we remain spellbound and trapped regardless of what life presents to us. This is the first of many talks about these spells... the first being "I'm not good enough". Time to break free and truly live!
Listen HereSelf-Love: Living With Our Double
There is the great myth of Narcissus who sees his reflection in the water and becomes transfixed. In many ways, this is the foundation of our struggle with self-worth. We identify with this reflection and believe that it is actually us. Let's look at how to release this double-self in total love. (I reference a painting of Narcissus by Carvaggio that can be found on the internet.)
Listen HereLiving a Meditative Life
The reason that we have "meditation practice" is to become meditative in every moment of our lives. What does this mean? How do passion and excitement fit in? How about communication and love? How do we truly become meditative, peaceful, and full of life at the same time?
Listen HereWhen Love is an Action
What if love is an energy that is meant to flow between us? How would our relationships change when love wasn't a noun - something that was "just there"? What if it was a constant movement, a series of actions? Imagine how different relationships would be!
Listen HereBeing an Empath in Relationships
How do we connect when we can feel more than others are intentionally sharing? Let's chat about: how to not absorb the moods of others, shifting our philosophy so we feel no desire to fix others, honouring each other's soul journeys, self-love - connecting with ourselves first, enjoying the magic of loving, empathic connection, the need to protect ourselves, and recognizing what is ours and others.
Listen HereExploring, Understanding & Releasing Our Fears
Let's look at our fears together. What do they really mean? What can we learn from them? How do they propel us in our soul's journey? How can we tell the difference between real and useful fear and our imagination getting away from us? How do we step forward in wisdom and courage? Let's explore the ways to look at different kinds of fears and see what we find together!
Listen HereHow to Hear our Truth, Satya, & Live by our Intuition
What are the four things that block our ability to hear our intuition and truth? Where does this truth come from? Why is it so important to listen to? Why does listening bring so much meaning into our lives? What are the tricks we can use to really listen within?
Listen HereIntuitive Parenting: Humble, Strong & Listening
How do we integrate intuition, following our path, and the masculine/feminine dynamic into caring for our children? How do we honour our truth and create a safe place for our children to grow and thrive. Every situation is amazingly unique. So, I will share stories from my life and the influences that truly shaped this challenging but so wonderful experience called parenting.
Listen HereWhat if Not Measuring Our Goals Was the Answer?
On the one hand, we are taught mindfulness which is very important. But what if we also must take our eyes off of our lives at the same time? Let's explore what the quantum world tells us about the effect of the observer and the miracles that happen when we let life happen without us watching.
Listen HereIntegrating Timelessness & Immortality
Can we achieve immortality and live in timelessness right now? How does our life become happier right now when we embrace the philosophy of timelessness? What does immortality even mean? How does this help us to live the life we are truly meant to live?
Listen HereWhat Kind of Yogi Are You?
There are many different paths of yoga because there are so many paths to spiritual oneness. Which one are you inherently designed for? Let's explore the paths of hatha, raja, bhakti, karma, and jnana yoga to find out what is truly easy, effortless and your personal, most joyous path to happiness.
Listen HereStorytime: Experiences Beyond the 3D Realm for Everyone
What do we do with the experiences of oneness, divine connection, or simply things we can't explain that go beyond our 3D understanding of the world? Here, I will share experiences that definitely cannot be explained in simple words. Plus, we will chat about how each of us can use our own "glimpses into the beyond" to truly expand our spiritual selves here in the world.
Listen HereA Reading of the Tao Te Ching
This is a reading of the Tao Te Ching - English translation by Stephen Mitchell. This is an ancient text that brings us such inner peace... beautiful to listen to as we are falling asleep, going for a walk, driving in the car, or simply working around the house... Always a new tidbit to bring into our hearts.
Listen HereStrengthening Our Inner Masculine for Perfect Balance
It is our feminine that is rising these days - the ability to listen, to trust, to allow chaos, and embrace the unknown. To do this, we need an equally strong inner masculine. We need to trust ourselves, create structure, strength and protection that allow us to truly expand into our true selves.
Listen HereRadiance Sutras, Liver, Laughter & Pure Fun
This was a live reading of the Radiance Sutras on Insight Timer. The first 25 minutes is filled with beautiful tantric sutras and discussion. Then, magic entered the class and hilarious laughter ensued creating one of our favourite healing experiences. Then, we finish with more wonderful tantric readings. Insight, laughter and so much fun!
Listen HereLevels of Consciousness: Releasing Shame & Guilt
Oh, how these emotions can rule us. Let's talk about what shame and guilt really are. Let's look straight at them, call them out, heal our hearts and truly let them go once and for all. (Based on David Hawkin's "Levels of Consciousness" chart.)
Listen HereLevels of Consciousness: What's Wrong with Desire?
In David Hawkins' "levels of consciousness", desire is considered a lower level. Why is that? What is the difference between the healthy desire that drives our passion and the desires that steal our inner peace? What can we learn from our desires - healthy and not?
Listen HereLevels of Consciousness: Power & Peace of Acceptance
What is the difference between acceptance and passivity? How is this a powerful state? How does this allow us to find solutions? Why does this bring balance to our lives? How is this the path to truly taking back one's own power?
Listen HereLevels of Consciousness: Bliss of Neutrality & Willingness
What does it mean to live in neutrality? Why does this bring us so much peace? How do we navigate the world with a mind that is not driven by desires & opinion? Why is willingness an even higher vibration? How does this bring so much joy and fun to our days?
Listen HereUnderstanding & Releasing Our Fears
Let's look at our fears together. What do they really mean? What can we learn from them? How do they propel us in our soul's journey? How can we tell the difference between real and useful fear and our imagination getting away from us? How do we step forward in wisdom and courage? Let's explore the ways to look at different kinds of fears and see what we find together!
Listen HereLiving a Meditative Life
The reason that we have "meditation practice" is to become meditative in every moment of our lives. What does this mean? How do passion and excitement fit in? How about communication and love? How do we truly become meditative, peaceful, and full of life at the same time?
Listen HereMerging Quantum Reality with Life
Is life really filled with things, people, and events that can be counted, measured, and made efficiently? Is there a deeper reality beyond what we can see and feel with our senses? How does this perspective make our lives more interesting? Let's explore infinity and see where we end up!
Listen HereBecoming Ourselves Through Alchemy
Alchemy is the process of transformation. It is putting all of who we are into a sacred container, increasing the heat - and transforming into pure gold. Let's ponder how this works in our lives - the purification, the cauldron, the heat... and what we want to become.
Listen HereStorytime: Beyond the 3D Realm
What do we do with the experiences of oneness, divine connection, or simply things we can't explain that go beyond our 3D understanding of the world? Here, I will share experiences that definitely cannot be explained in simple words. Plus, we will chat about how each of us can use our own "glimpses into the beyond" to truly expand our spiritual selves here in the world.
Listen HereA Reading of The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
I initially recorded this for a friend who was struggling with insomnia. "The Prophet" would not only be soothing, but uplifting – the perfect way to unwind and let him fall into a deep, peaceful sleep. In reading it, I realized that I had only heard parts of this masterpiece – and never the whole poem. By the end of recording it, its depth and wisdom touched me so deeply, it turned out to be a much greater gift to me. I hope it soothes you and uplifts you in the same ways.
Listen HereMore Audios for You on Insight Timer
Insight Timer is a wonderful and free app where I have hundreds of audios for everyone to listen to - meditations, live talks, and book readings. Below are just the top 10. 😊
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