Yoga to Feel Better when You're Unwell

healing yoga

How can we use yoga when we're not feeling well?

This is a short kundalini yoga set that we can all do when we're feeling under the weather. Yoga is a healing practice, not an exercise routine. So, it only makes sense that we do it to help our bodies heal, ease the mind, experience some relief, and get better!

Can anyone do this yoga?

Yes! You can do it sitting on the floor or on a chair. Just modify the exercises any way you need to get the energy moving (or "moobalizing" as I say in the video (oops) 😂).

What do you need?

A cushion to sit on and comfy clothes


Would you like to do more yoga with me?

I teach regular Kundalini Yoga Classes twice a week: Saturdays at 8am EST and Mondays at 7pm. You are welcome to join us anytime! This is a style of yoga that works for all ages, abilities, and experiences.

Here is the link to join in:


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