A Journey to
What if you loved all of who you are - the light as much as the shadow?
What if we are all a perfect blend of both?
End the war with yourself.
Your journey to self-love starts here.

Do You Struggle with Self-Love?
Do you feel like you are never enough, that you can always improve, even that you have a "bad" or shadow side that you must always hide, heal, or fix?
Have you always felt different? That no one gets you, and you long to be understood by others?
Do you struggle to trust yourself and your decisions?
Do you focus more on what others want than on what you want?
You are not alone!
It's all around us
We live in a society that teaches us that we have a "bad" side that our "good" side must always keep at bay, distrust, and always be trying to fix. This creates an inner war that never allows us to fully connect with our true self within - our soul.
We were taught that to stand up for ourselves was "self-ish" and that we should always put the needs of others before us. However, we know where that one ends - with no boundaries and zero sense of self in relationships.
We were told that there were "ideal" ways to be. We were shown what beauty is, what success is, and what "proper" people do. Then, we were told to work our whole lives to twist who we actually are to fit these cultural and expected constructs.
Leaving us with no sense of self.
I'm Katrina Bos
Self-worth has been a challenge for most of my life. No matter how I tried to be the perfect mother, wife, teacher, daughter-in-law, and human, there was always an inner voice telling me that I could still be better and that I hadn't reached my true potential. Sigh...
My great turnaround happened with a healing crisis in 1999 when I was faced with the choice of dying or starting to live my actual life - with joy and confidence. The full story can be found in my first book, "What If You Could Skip the Cancer?".
Since then, it has been my passion to share how we can create this new foundation of self through Tantra and philosophies that help us see the world in new and expansive ways!
I am thrilled to share this mini-course with you as a foundation and doorway to a whole new life totally based in WHO YOU TRULY ARE.
We Will Explore...

It's so much more than hot baths & self-care routines. Let's explore how to deeply connect with our soul - on every level.

We will unearth the foundational split that created this insidious split inside that causes us to judge, ignore, and want to hide deep parts of ourselves.

Isn't it strange to not love ourselves? What has gotten inside of us that causes this strange disconnect and even self-loathing?

Imagine living in a way that we effortlessly knew the difference between our personal essence and the strange reflection we receive from the world around us.

Who were you designed to be? How do we return to that original blueprint? How does this help us think straight, sort out what is for us and what isn't, and feel like we are living our own lives?

We will learn techniques that we can do whenever we are feeling a little off our game... and soon, we'll be right back in our skin feeling like ourselves again!
Is This Course Right for You?
- Would you like to heal your inner self-talk?
- Do you feel like you are repeating karmic cycles and struggling to escape?
- Do you feel like you're missing something on your Spiritual Journey?
- Have you always felt different and would like to embrace your uniqueness without apology?
- Do you struggle with boundaries and would like to strengthen your inner protector?
- Would you like to release the need for validation from others?
- Are you a people-pleaser?
- Would you like to connect with your true self within and have total confidence in your decisions?
If you answered YES to any of these, this course is a beautiful foundation
for everything you would like to do next in life!
A Journey to Self-Love
This mini-course forms the foundation of all other studies so that we have a clear sense of SELF to build upon.
You will receive a special series of videos, personal exercises, audio recordings from my book Tantric Intimacy, and Interactive Questions to take you deeply into your own personal experience for just $27 CAD.
You can do this at your own pace
and you'll have access to it for as long as you would like!